Pathology exam
رب أدخلني مُدخل صدق، وأخرجني مُخرج صدق، واجعل لي من لدنك سلطاناً نصِيرا ????
? What is your diagnosis
Pleomorphic adenoma
Mucenous Adenocarcinoma
? This picture is showing which type of stroma
Fibrous stroma
Fibromuscular stroma
Cellular stroma
None of the above
? Identify the green arrow in this lesion
Apocrine metaplasia
Corpora amylacea
Psammoma bodies
Blood vessel
? Identify the Nature of lesion in this picture
Mixed Benign tumor
1ry Malignant epith. tumor of the kidney
Chronic Non specific inflammation
( Adaptation ( Hyperplasia
? What is your diagnosis
Cavernous hemangioma
Fibrocystic disease
? What is your diagnosis
papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum
Hashimoto thyroditis
In biopsy taken from an enlarged L.N, the following picture was taken. The
? pathology report should conclude the following diagnosis
? Identify the Nature of lesion in this picture
Acute Allergic non suppurative inflamation
Acute diffuse suppurative inflamation
Acute fibrinous non suppurative inflamation
Acute membranous suppurative inflamation
? What is your diagnosis
Papillary thyroid carsinoma
Chronic pyelonephritis
Mature cystic teratoma
Lymph node metastasis
? What is your diagnosis
Invasive ductal carsinoma of the breast
Liver cirrhosis by Masson's trichome stain
Obstructive jaundice
? All the following finding are seen in this picture, Exept
Central colonies of Large Neutrophil
Can be seen Lymphocyte and MQ
Multiple subcutaneous suppurative granulomas
Sorrounding the colonies there is pus cell
? All the following finding are seen in this picture, Exept
Thin vascular C.T septa
Lobules of mature fat cells
fat cells exhibit signet ring appearance
? Identify the Nature of lesion in this picture
Malignant epith. tumor
Benign mesenchymal tumor
Malignant mesenchymal tumor
? Identify the Nature of lesion in this picture
Benign epith. tumor
Acute allergic inflammation
Acute fibrinous inflammation
Malignant epith. tumor
? What is your diagnosis
Multinodular goiter
Hashimoto thiroiditis
Chronic pyelonephritis
? What is your diagnosis
Squamus cell papilloma
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Lymph node metastasis
? What is your diagnosis
Liver cirrhosis
Acute nasal polyp
? What is your diagnosis
Papillary thyroid carsinoma
Acute suppurative appendicitis
? Identify the green arrow in this lesion
Psammoma bodies
Giant cell
Lymph follicle
? What is your diagnosis
Cavernous hemangioma in skin
Chronic venous congestion
Capillary hemangioma
Cavernous hemangioma in liver
? What is your diagnosis
Liver cirrhosis
Hashimoto thyroiditis
Renal cell carsinoma
? Identify the lesion
Syphilitic aortic aneurysm
Chronic abcess
Flea bitten kidney
? Identify the lesion
Chronic rheumatic valvulitis in mitral valve
Acute rheumatic valvulitis in mitral valve
Atrophy in the heart
Non of the above
: Choose the right answer
Fungating carsinoma of urinary bladdder
Renal cell carsinoma
Acute suppurative pericarditis
? What is your diagnosis
Traumatic fibrinous pericarditis
Constrictive TB pericarditis
Healed myocardial infarction
Brown atrophy of the heart
? All the following changes are seen in this picture, Exept
Hypertrohy of left ventricle
Fibrinous pericarditis
Hypertrohy of papillary muscle
Heart is enlarge
? What is your diagnosis
Typhoid ulcer of S.I
TB ulcer of S.I
Malignant ulcer of colon
Ameobic ulcer
? What is your diagnosis
Ileo-coecal intusucception
Ileo-ileal intusucception
Strangulated hernia
Bilharziasis of urinary bladder
? What is your diagnosis
Ileo-coecal intusucception
Meckels diverticulum
Ileo-ileal intusucception
Not of the above
: The lesion in the lung represents
Chronic lung abcess
Acute lung abcess
? What is your diagnosis
Acute laber pneumonia
Chronic lung abcess
Non of the above
: The lesion in the lung represents
Empyema & Encysted empyema
Acute labar pneumonia
? All the following finding are seen in this picture, Exept
Single Large mass
Necrosis & hemorrage
Infiltrating lung tissue
Gohns focus
? What is your diagnosis
1ry pulmonary TB
Miliary TB
Chronic fibrocaseas TB
Acute lung abcess
? Identify this lesion
Ilei-coecal intusucception
Ilei-ileal intusucception
Strangulated hernia
TB peritonitis
? Identify this lesion
early ameobic abcess in liver
Cold abcess
Metastatic plural nodule
? Identify this lesion
Acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis
Chronic pyelopnephritis
Hydrops of G.B
? Identify this lesion
Mickls diverticulum
Chronic cholycystitis
Hydrops of G.B
Non of the above
? Identify this lesion
Advanced chronic fibrocaseas T.B
HCC on top of micronodular cirrhosis
: All the following changes are seen in this lesion, Exept
Pipe stem appearance
Nodule in cut section
Brown bilharzial pigment
Portal tract is fibrosis
? What is your diagnosis
Micronodular cirrhosis
Macronodular cirrhosis
Metastatic nodule in liver
Chronic venous congestion in liver
? Identify the Orange color in this lesion
Perinephric fat
Non of the above
? What is your diagnosis
Carcinoma of utererine body
Vesicular mole
Carcinoma of cervix
Leiomyomatous polyp
? What is your diagnosis
Acute suppurative meningitis
Renal infarction
Acute G.N
Non of the above
? What is your diagnosis
Acute suppurative meningitis
Renal infarction
Chronic venous congestion
The staining technique is
Non of the above
? Identify this lesion
Puerperal sepsis
Vesicular mole
? What is your diagnosis
Dry gangrane of S.I
Moist gangrane of S.I
? What is your diagnosis
Acute cerebellar abcess
Chronic brain abcess
Non of the above
? What is your diagnosis
Cerebral hemorrage
? Identify this lesion
Tubal pregnancy
Serous cystadenoma
Mucinous cystadenoma
Non of the above
? What is your diagnosis
Vesicular mole
Fibrocystic disease
Non of the above
? What is your diagnosis
Chronic abcess in the brain
Fibrocystic disease of the breast
Hofgkins lymphoma
Non of the above
? What is your diagnosis
Congenital polycystic kidney
Milliary TB of kidney
Solitary Cyst
Metastatic deposit in kidney
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